Motion detail

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Motion title
Oppose the invasion of Ukraine - for peace not escalation
Meeting date
1 June 2022
Motion text

Congress stands united in our condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We declare our support for the human rights of those under occupation or suffering oppression.
Congress resolves to:
1. Call on the UK Government to allow unconditional entry to the UK to refugees displaced by and fleeing this conflict, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or citizenship.
Congress further resolves to:
a. Offer our solidarity to any colleagues and students directly and indirectly affected by these events.
b. Support all those calling for peace, including those in very difficult circumstances in Russia and Belarus, and to call on all governments – including our own – to bring about a peaceful end to this war.
c. Call on UK universities to facilitate the resettlement of refugee staff and students.

Proposing body
University College London (UCL)

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