Motion detail

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Motion title
Bereavement leave
Meeting date
2 June 2022
Motion text

Conference notes:
1. That UCU has an active ‘PGRs as Staff’ campaign that is working for postgraduate researchers to be treated as staff.
2. That currently PGRs often do not have the entitlements of other staff to leave including bereavement leave.
3. A recent case where a PGR who is also a parent was initially denied bereavement leave by their research council after the loss of their child, thus compounding their distress at a difficult time.
Conference believes:
a. That all casualised workers should have equal access to leave, including bereavement leave.
Conference resolves:
i. To campaign through the PGRs as staff campaign and through all other means for the right to bereavement leave for all, including all PGRs, to be recognised by Research Councils and HEIs.

Proposing body
Anti-casualisation committee (ACC)

Administrative info

Listing reference