Motion detail

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Motion title
Disability and the FE Charter
Meeting date
2 June 2022
Motion text

Conference applauds the launch of the FE Charter for Professional Respect in Further Education and notes that equity for disabled workers in FE has a long way to go.
Conference notes:
1. That many disabled workers are employed on insecure contracts
2. That the TUC puts the Disability Pay Gap at 20%; this places disabled workers on average, earning £3,500 less than non-disabled colleagues
3. That many employers have used the pandemic to justify their failure of duty to implement the necessary reasonable adjustments required
Conference therefore instructs the FEC, to include as part of the FE Charter to:
a. Negotiate with employers to undertake disability pay gap reporting including targeted action plans to address the pay gap
b. Ensure that reasonable adjustments are made in a timely manner
c. Make equality of opportunity a priority, so disabled workers are able to contribute on an equal footing with non-disabled colleagues

Proposing body
Disabled members' standing committee (DMSC)

Administrative info

Listing reference