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Motion title
Full Recruitment crisis in FE
Meeting date
2 June 2022
Motion text

Conference notes:
1. The AoC’s report into the staffing crisis in FE revealed that there are 6,000 job vacancies in England’s colleges.
The report found:
a. 96% of respondents say that the current level of vacancies is increasing pressure on staff.
b. 61% said colleges were having to spend more on agency fees to fill vacancies.
c. Private sector pay has increased by 5.4%, public sector by 2.5% and education sector pay by 0.3% (with most of that outside of FE).
Conference believes:
i. This is the worst staffing crisis in twenty years.
ii. That the government’s aim of making FE central to the ‘build back better’ strategy will not be achieved if the staffing crisis isn’t resolved.
Conference resolves:
A. To call on government to release further funds to increase wages to attract staff to the sector.
B. To call on the AoC to recommend employers direct resources into increasing pay and decreasing workload.

Proposing body
Further education committee, City and Islington College Camden Road

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