Motion detail

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Motion title
For democratic control over disputes
Meeting date
28 May 2023
Motion text

HESC notes:
1. That both the move to negotiation through ACAS and the “pause” in strike action were imposed with no prior consultation of members or HEC.
2. Official UCU social media platforms have been used to advance certain positions on future strategy and argue with individual members.
HESC further notes:
a. Democratic control over disputes empowers members and builds union density through the solidarity engendered by collective decision making.
b. Members learning that they have been stood down via social media is disempowering and demoralising.
c. Official union channels debating strategy on social media makes the union appear weak.
HESC resolves to:
i. Affirm the sovereignty of members and our democratic processes.
ii. Commit to ongoing democratisation of the union, empowering members and creating proper processes for democratic decision-making during disputes.
iii. Remind employers that they are negotiating with a collective, not individuals, and they must wait for our democratic processes to make decisions on disputes.

Proposing body
University of Manchester

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