Motion detail

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Motion title
Branch control over involvement in national disputes
Meeting date
13 April 2024
Motion text

Conference notes:
1. That until national binding pay bargaining is achieved, FE college branches
negotiate with their employer, not with the government.
2. That motion 7 at SFESC April 2023 called for a mechanism for branch
exclusions from national campaigns.
Conference believes:
a. There are many reasons a branch may want to opt out of a national dispute
or ballot.
b. That each branch is best placed to make its own decision to stay in or opt
c. That solidarity in a national dispute must be built and cannot be imposed.
Conference resolves:
i. That, until national binding pay bargaining is achieved, any FE branch will be
able to opt out of any national dispute or aggregated ballot by passing a
motion to that effect at a quorate branch meeting.

Proposing body
City College Norwich

Administrative info

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