Motion detail

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Motion title
Acknowledging devolution in our UK campaigning
Meeting date
17 May 2024
Motion text

This Special Conference acknowledges the differences between the Scottish
academic (HE2000) contract and the ‘national’ post-92 academic contract
operative in England and Wales.
Conference believes that it is important that any strategy for unified campaigning
by the union takes into account the devolved nature of our working conditions.
Conference therefore asks that the HEC ensure that:
1 Any campaigning on working conditions or pay acknowledges the above, and
therefore ensures that any ‘strategy for mounting a significant, coordinated,
sector level response to threats to jobs, disciplines, T&Cs, including attacks on
TPS and academic freedom’ operates in a manner which takes the devolved
nature of Higher Education into account.
2 Any resourcing of campaigns, conferences or co-ordination on this, also takes
into account the devolved nature of Higher Education in the UK.

Proposing body
Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)

Administrative info

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