Motion detail

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Motion title
No to divisive and inequitable appraisal schemes
Meeting date
17 May 2024
Motion text

Special Higher Education Sector Conference notes that:
1. The 1992 contract states that appraisal should be linked to development and
not to any performance related pay.
Special Higher Education Sector Conference Believes that:
a. It is concerning that schemes in some institutions have inequitable and
divisory pay implications in a non-transparent manner
b. Such pay implications have the potential to be discriminatory, are unfair and
are not fit for purpose.
Special Higher Education Sector Conference Resolves to:
i. Encourage branches to share information about appraisal schemes with their
region, and for regional offices to share information about institutional
appraisal schemes with each other, therefore enabling regional offices to
continue to support branches in challenging institutional practices linking
appraisal and pay.

Proposing body
East Midlands region higher education committee

Administrative info

Listing reference