Motion detail

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Motion title
Opposing restrictions for worker migrants in the UK
Meeting date
17 May 2024
Motion text

Conference notes that on December 4, 2023, the Home Secretary announced an
increase of the minimum salary for a Skilled Worker Visa up to £38,700 annual
salary, an increase of the partner visa minimum income, not allowing social care
workers to bring dependents, and a review of the Graduate Visa.
Conference believes that:
1. The higher education sector depends on international migrant workers.
2. Salary thresholds affect migrant workers.
3. Restricting Visas for family members is a cruel measure.
Conference resolves:
a. To call UK universities to rise salary thresholds for university workers so all
posts are above the minimum visa threshold
b. To call the UK Government to maintain and improve the Graduate Visa
c. To call the UK Government to reinstate migrants' right to bring dependents
and partners
d. That our Union campaigns for the repeal of these measures and restrictions.

Proposing body
University of Oxford

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