Motion detail

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Motion title
Health and social care conference
Meeting date
29 May 2024
Motion text

Congress notes that provision of health and social care throughout the UK has reached crisis level, with poor provision undermining the wellbeing of large numbers of vulnerable people.
Congress believes that UCU has an important role in addressing these issues through its members in health and social care education. There is a need for enhanced education, training and staff development to produce a well-qualified health and social care workforce and adequate staffing levels for these sectors. The post-16 education sector can make a vital contribution to achieving this.
Congress therefore instructs NEC to work with the Equality Committee and the NPC Health and Care Committee to set up a national conference on health and social care, with particular reference to the role of health educators in UCU and the wider trade union movement, to explore how post-16 education can contribute to the recruitment of well-trained and motivated professionals.

Proposing body
Retired members committee

Administrative info

Listing reference