Motion detail

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Motion title
Joint membership schemes with Unite, UNISON, NEU and EIS in Scotland
Meeting date
29 May 2024
Motion text

Congress notes:

UCU currently has joint membership schemes with 10 trade unions, but not yet Unite, UNISON, NEU or EIS.

Alongside UCU, Unite, UNISON, NEU and, in Scotland, EIS are three of the most common trade unions for tertiary education staff in terms of membership.

Congress believes joint membership may be beneficial for improving branch density, increasing/expanding local recognition agreements, and increasing the impact of industrial action.

Congress resolves

a. To set up a working group to scope out the feasibility of joint membership agreements and to consult with branches and sister unions on this topic.

b. Following a positive conclusion from this group, to ask the relevant NEC subcommittee to develop a proposal for joint membership agreements with Unite, UNISON, NEU and EIS.

c. To authorise NEC to approve said joint membership agreements, approach relevant bodies within Unite, UNISON, NEU and EIS and implement them prior to Congress 2025.

d. To request a report on these agreements to be provided to branches at the point of implementation, and a report on their take up to date to be provided to Congress 2025.

Proposing body
University of Sheffield

Administrative info

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