Motion detail

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Motion title
Postal services and the right to use electronic voting
Meeting date
29 May 2024
Motion text

UCU Congress notes:
1. the impact of privatisation of the Royal Mail and subsequent decline in frequency of postal deliveries.
2. that problems with postal delivery can impact negatively on trade union organisation and union democracy, if ballot papers in industrial action ballots and trade union elections do not arrive in good time.
3. UCU declares solidarity with postal workers campaigning to defend the quality of postal services and jobs. Relatedly, UCU reaffirms our call for the nationalisation of public infrastructure, secure jobs and a fair deal for all workers.
UCU calls for the abolition of all anti-trade union laws, and for the right of unions to use electronic voting in union elections and industrial action ballots.
Furthermore, UCU calls on the TUC to examine this problem with urgency and to continue lobbying the government for the right of unions to use electronic voting in union elections and industrial action ballots.

Proposing body
Yorkshire and Humberside regional committee

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